I agree not to have abortion

I agree with you that babies are human too. If they two parents cannot take responsibility than when they’re having sex they should be more careful. I just don't think it’s the right decision to make. From a religious perspective, many faiths teaches that life is given by a higher power, so it shouldn’t be man’s power to abort the unborn child that hadn’t even came into the life. In my religion, abortion is not allowed which mean that if someone from my religion would’ve got an abortion done than she will get lots of sins for doing what she did. You can hear the heartbeat, and see tiny fingers and toes. God talks about many different ways of taking a life (accidental, etc...) but he continually speaks against the murder of the innocent. An unborn baby is innocent; it is helpless in the mother’s womb. It can just sit there, and helplessly be ripped or sucked out of the mother, and eventually murdered. What has the child done? The poor child is being punished for the crime that he/she hasn’t even done.  You never know what a child will be capable of doing when they become an adult. So I definitely agree with your point that abortion is not right. 



Abortion is not Right.

Abotion! No way.

I don’t think abortion is right. I'm not going to get somebody for getting an abortion because I realize that it's a hard decision to make. I just don't think it’s the right decision to make. The moment that egg and sperm join to form a unique genetic combination, a new life has starts. That said, any tamper with the embryo, especially abortion, should be considered unethical. Moreover, terminating an embryo without the embryo's consent is technically murder. Sometimes abortions are against some of the religious. From a religious perspective, many faiths teaches that life is given by a higher power, so it shouldn’t be man’s power to abort the unborn child that hadn’t even came into the life. It makes me sick to think about it. What I don’t understand is how people can say that the fetus that they are looking at on the TV screen is not a human life. You can hear the heartbeat, and see tiny fingers and toes. even though many people do not know all of the ten commandments one that people do know is "thou shall not kill". This means to murder, to intentionally take a life. God talks about many different ways of taking a life (accidental, etc..) but he continually speaks against the murder of the innocent. An unborn baby is innocent; it is helpless in the mother’s womb. It can just sit there, and helplessly be ripped or sucked out of the mother, and eventually murdered. You never know what a child will be capable of doing when they become an adult. 

I Agree With The Credit Cards

I agree with you about the credit card. The problem isn’t the credit but the problem is that the way people use their credit card. I also have a credit card and like you said that you keep the budget of how much you spend in one month I do the same. When I purchase something from the credit card than I write it down for the whole month so I know how much I have spent. So when I think that I am going beyond the money that I need to spend from my credit card, than I stop because I’m like you. I don’t want to pay the interest either.

I agree with you that credit card doesn’t make money out of people that get their money in the bank on time without passing the deadline. Instead it makes money from the person who doesn’t pay the money back to the bank and then they get charged interest. I like the way you suggested that don’t close the credit cards, but instead leave the credit card at home and sometimes when you need to make a big purchase than you take the credit out and pay back as soon as possible. So I agree with you in all the matters about the credit card problem and the solution that you can showed us.


New Public PLan

Health Insurance

President Obama has rightly called for sweeping health care reform and charged Congress with coming up with a program. Expect a tough political fight. A new public plan can offer consumers greater choice, keep the private plans honest and, can hope, restrain the relentless growth in health care premiums and underlying medical costs seems worth trying. I agree with the point that the new public plan can offer great deal of benefits to the people around the country but also not all the people are willing to take advantage in this part of new public plan. Obama says that any new public plan would constitute only part of a much broader effort to provide coverage for 46 million Americans who currently are uninsured and many more that may soon join their ranks. I think that this many people that are still uninsured are most likely not to participate in the new public plan, because if they wanted to participate in this public plan that they would’ve have some kind of insurance before that would make them to take interest in this. In the last sentence the Times almost admits that the ultimate plan is to do away with private health insurance. A government health insurance plan is not going to be financed primarily by premiums paid by the insured. If it were, it would not draw many people away from private plans. Taxpayer funds will be used to subsidize the government plan, and attrition from private plans will be used to show that the private sector is inefficient. The insurance industry and leading Republicans decry that as unfair competition. Hospitals and doctors worry about being underpaid, but there is a limit to how low government reimbursements can fall without driving them out of the program. If they will add the new public plan in their insurance than more people will be getting involved and more people will start visiting the hospital. This is cause the hospital to wait for the government to pay them what it is left for them to pay. I don’t agree that they should add the new public plan to the insurance they the families own. I think they should leave it the way it is.




Gay Marriages are becoming common today

In today’s society, gay marriages are becoming common today. The laws are being passed in other country that is allowing gay marriage. The percentages of people that have no religion that are called “nones” are the highest of all. The averages of 15% are more likely to expand this gay marriage. Today in New Hampshire there were 29% of the population is “nones”, and nearly there are 32% catholic and 30% Protestants. The House of Representatives is to vote on whether or not to legalize the bill this week. Most of the people believe that it will pass because there are more “nones”. Many other states are to follow including Rhode Island and Maine. In New York it is expected for the bill to pass by the Fourth of July, and on other hand there are many states that has more variety of religion and are more likely to ban gay marriage rights.and I believe that the more religious in the states, the less likely it is for them to pass the bill accepting gay marriage rights. I think that the final saying on the vote lies is in the hands of the people of the population. Many religious people accept this as well. What if the religion had said no sexuality? I think it is completely on the people’s own decision whether or not to accept a couple of the same sex. Religion teachers, the society or population can oppose to the thoughts of two of the same sex. But again the opinions of our peers would be a big influence on the person. In a world without influences of religion, I think people would have more of a self opinion on things. But if you’re taught your kids to disagree with something from the birth than you normally don’t grow with this though in your mind.


Big night these days: karaoke and a 24-pack

In this commentary John Kelso says how to keep you away from the bad economy. This is not the economy we use to think before. Before the economy was much better and we could buy whatever we wanted to buy, but now a days we have to think five times before buying something. As the day goes on some people still buy the fashion clothes they use to buy before and some people look at the economic situation and keep themselves from going to mall and buy expensive clothing. As John Kelso keeps saying in his speech how to help you from running into the economic situation I don’t agree with the point that John Kelso makes. John Kelso makes some points about different types of thing that the people can do but I don’t think that everyone has that money time and effort to do those thing. Like for example John Kelso says that don’t give your clothes to the laundry, but instead put deodorant stick and run it under the armpits. I don’t agree with that point because even if you put deodorant stick under your armpit than you will get stains on the shirts and if you are a big business man or women, than you cannot be wearing those clothes with stains under ur armpit to work and letting other people talk bad thing about you. Most of the people can’t leave without coffee. They need coffee in the morning when they’re going to work so if they need coffee than the economy situation can’t stop them from buying coffee. Another thing I don’t agree with John Kelso point is not having cell phone with you. I think we need to have a cell phone with us at all time incase if there is an emergency. If your car breaks down in middle of a road and over there’s no one over there that we can get the help from, than what can we do. So in this kind of situation we need to have a cell phone with us at all times. President Obama’s stimulus deal will make the market look toward the future for the 760 billion dollars that will give the economy a better look.


9/11 Widow Killed in Continental Airlines Commuter Plane Crash in Buffalo

A September 11 widow who lost their husband in the World Trade Center was those who perished aboard a commuter flight and had crashed into a house in Buffalo, N.Y. Beverly Eckert was flying to her hometown on Thursday night when the plane crashed at the Buffalo airport. She had planned to celebrate Rooney's 58th birthday. The jet was heading to Buffalo from Newark, N.J., and was attempting to land in foggy, snowy weather. They lost the control contact. The plane dove into a house in a Buffalo suburb, killing all 49 on board and 1 person in the home. Eckert was one of the most visible faces in the terror attacks, becoming co-chairwoman of the victims group Voices of Sept. 11. After all this happen to Eckert, Eckert turned her energies to Habitat for Humanity, helping build homes for low-income families.


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